John Kelley
President and Co-founder
John is the President and Co-founder of GeoSapient, bringing extensive experience in remote sensing systems engineering and associated geospatial applications to GeoSapient.
As a remote sensing product manager, John spent most of his career supporting the intelligence community (IC) on various classified programs. Throughout his career, he has overseen corporate independent research and development and the operation of image processing labs. He has performed outreach, collaboration, and direct contract support with external organizations, including National Labs and other government agencies. John’s passion is the subject of remote sensing of the Earth for environmental and geospatial applications. Driven by this passion, he co-founded GeoSapient to create a unique ‘Geospatial Analytics-as-a-Service’ platform.
John has an M.A. in Geography from the University of Georgia and a B.A. in Geography from Villanova University.

Earl J. Dodd
Chief Architect and Co-founder
Earl is the Chief Architect and leads the development and strategy of their geospatial analytics-as-a-service solution leveraging high performance computing (HPC), high performance data analytics (HPDA), and artificial intelligence (AI) to apply his specialized genius to extreme computing and data needs.
As a co-founder of GeoSapient, Earl’s technical focus is on cloud-based integration solutions for secure ultra-scale architectures in geospatial and geotechnical environments.
Earl is engaged with the U.S. Council on Competitiveness, White House Office of Science & Technology Policy, National Science Foundation, Society of HPC Professionals, Compute Canada, Ontario Ministry of Research & Innovation, and other professional organizations and international governments.

Dr. Lynne Trabachino
Chief Atmospheric Scientist
Lynne has extensive experience in remote sensing, atmospheric physics, and weather/climate model evaluation and leads the GeoSapient science team.
Lynne supports developing, developing, implementing, and validating specialized models and tools to prepare and analyze historical and operational meteorological forecasts used to derive fugitive methane insights for Oil & Gas operations.
Lynne has a Ph.D. in Atmospheric Science and previously worked as a faculty member at Rutgers University.